Congenital Penile Curvature

Congenital penile curvature occurs in about 15% of men and occurs due to the uneven growth of this organ.
The disease is manifested by curvature of the penis during erection, which is usually noticed at the time of puberty.
To confirm the curvature of the penis, a man is asked to provide photographs of the erected organ to the consultation. The congenital nature of the deformity is established on the basis of finding out the history of the disease. Unlike Peyronie's disease (acquired curvature of the penis), palpation of this organ does not reveal any tissue indurations.
Only severe (>15°) curvature of the penis can be treated. Deformity correction is performed surgically. The most common is the imposition of non-absorbable sutures, shortening the penis along the convex side.
Surgical penile straightening is a complex plastic surgery, the results of which depend on the experience of the operating urologist.