Early Ejaculation

An ejaculation is termed premature ejaculation if it occurs in less than 2 minutes after intercourse or before it begins. At the same time, there is a lack of control over ejaculation, partner's dissatisfaction and interpersonal conflicts in a couple.
There are primary (congenital) and secondary (acquired) forms of the disease.
Causes of primary premature ejaculation: lack of an important substance, serotonin in the brain, high sensitivity of the glans penis due to excess nerve supply, short frenulum of the penis.
Causes of secondary premature ejaculation: erectile dysfunction, chronic prostatitis, increased thyroid function.
Diagnosis of premature ejaculation is based on information obtained my means of special questionnaires, ascertaining the history of the disease, measuring the duration of sexual intercourse and assessing the sensitivity of the glans penis. Secondary premature ejaculation is searched for erectile dysfunction, chronic prostatitis, and elevated thyroid function.
Treatment of the primary form of the disease can be medical and surgical. First of all, tablet medications are used that allow you to increase the concentration of serotonin in the brain. Local anesthetics may also be effective. For a stable therapeutic effect, in most cases it is necessary to carry out a microsurgical operation to destroy the extra nerves of the penis. In the case of a short frenulum of this organ, plastic surgery to lengthen it can be effective.
The treatment of secondary premature ejaculation consists in treating the causative diseases (erectile dysfunction, chronic prostatitis and overactive thyroid gland).