A stricture is a narrowing of the urethra due to scarring of the mucosa layer.
Most often, urethral stricture is associated with previous medical operations and manipulations, less often with trauma and contracted gonorrhea.
Diagnosis of urethral stricture is based on its X-ray examination. In some cases, it may be necessary to additionally examine the urethra with a special flexible endoscope.
Effective treatment of urethral strictures is possible only with surgery. Bougienage of the narrowing and cutting it from the inside improves the situation only for a short time, leading to more growth of scar tissue and additional narrowing of the urethra.
Plastic surgery for urethral stricture is called urethroplasty. If the stricture is short, then the narrowed area can be removed and the normal sections of the urethra can be sutured. For long strictures, it is necessary to build up the urethral mucosa by means of its transplantation from the oral cavity.
Plastic surgery of the urethra requires significant experience from the urologist in performing such operations.